Best Large Indoor Plants: The Best Green Giants for Your Space

Best Large Indoor Plants: The Best Green Giants for Your Space

Nothing makes a better statement in a home, office, or any indoor situation, really, than a large indoor plant. When styling a space with plants, large indoor plants are the safest route to go, as small plants tend to make a space look cluttered, in my opinion. But hey, what better to clutter up your house with than houseplants? ;)

But in all seriousness, large indoor plants lend themselves very well to minimalism, and they can make an interior look effortlessly stylish with their almost Scandinavian appeal.

Let's take a look at some facts when it comes to these beasts of nature, as well as the top large indoor plants to consider when decorating. And as always, the finishing touch: how to style them.

Benefits of Large Indoor Plants

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Aesthetic Appeal Of Large Indoor Plants

As I've already mentioned, there's something effortless and chic about a large Indoor plant. I think it might be the fact that it looks intentional and well thought through. This is most likely because it is. It takes time, effort, and capital to source the perfect large indoor plant. And nothing screams bringing the outside inside like an unexpected tree smack in the middle of a feature wall.

Large Indoor Plants & Air Purification

You probably know by now how important plants are when it comes to cleaning the air in our homes. While this is a fact, it is more often than not a bit exaggerated, purely because you need quite a lot of plants in your home for them to have any major effect on the air quality. However, this means that the bigger the plant, the more likely it is to remove toxins from the air.

Large Indoor Plants Create Focal Points

Large houseplants are a great way to create focal points. The human eye is naturally drawn to nature, and placing a piece of nature like a large indoor plant in a house that is filled with human-made things creates a stark visual contrast and instantly draws the eye toward the plant.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Large Indoor Plants

I always caution people to remember that plants are living, breathing beings. Several factors need consideration when choosing plants for your home or workplace. Let's explore these factors to help you make an informed decision when shopping for large indoor plants.

Space Availability

Critically assess the space you want to adorn with a large indoor plant. Measure it and make sure that the plant you end up purchasing will fit. Also, take into consideration that if this plant is not fully grown, you will need even more space than you think necessary. This is why it's important to do your research on the plant you choose before buying it.

Light Requirements

Just like all plants, large indoor plants have their own unique lighting requirements. Ensure that the natural light that enters the room during the day will be sufficient for the large houseplant that you want to purchase. Assess whether the natural light is considered bright light, indirect light, or low light and buy your large indoor plant accordingly.

Maintenance & Care

Different large indoor plants require different maintenance and care requirements that should be carefully evaluated before purchasing your plant. Be sure to choose a plant that will fit your lifestyle. Some large indoor plants will require frequent watering, pruning, and faffing, while others will require minimal care and will only need occasional watering.

A large indoor plant will possibly be more difficult to maintain purely because of its size. For example, a large houseplant whose leaves need pruning or cleaning at the very top might require a ladder to reach. These are just some of the things that need to be considered.

Best Large Indoor Plants For Low Light

Don't think that just because your space doesn't get flooded with natural light you can't enjoy the company of a large indoor plant or two adorning your space. There are quite a few large houseplants that will do just fine in low-light conditions. Here are some of my favorite low light large indoor plants:

Monstera Deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant)

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Of all the large indoor plants, the Monstera is by far the most popular. There is no limit to how tall this climbing plant can grow, given the right conditions and a moss pole or two to grab onto.

The Monstera is an easy-to-care-for plant, as they like their soil to go quite dry between waterings. They prefer bright, indirect light. Placing a Monstera in a very shaded area or room will cause leggy growth, resulting in a messy-looking plant with long stems and small leaves with minimal fenestration.

Monstera Deliciosa Plant Care and Styling...Read More

Umbrella Plant (Schefflera actinophylla)

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I recently got a dwarf version of the Umbrella Plant to add to my collection, and I am already obsessed and looking to buy a full-sized one. They are such comical, cute-looking plants that they almost look fake with their umbrella-shaped leaf patterns.

The Umbrella Plant is probably the easiest to care for and most adaptable large indoor plant out there. They only require watering when about half of the soil in the pot has dried out, and no trimming is needed, as their bushy appearance is what makes them so appealing.

Umbrella Plant Care: The Ultimate Guide To Growing...Read More

Dragon Tree (Dracaena Marginata)

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If you're on the hunt for a large tree-like plant, then the Dragon Tree is the way to go. They can grow really tall in the right conditions (bright, indirect light), so if you would like to maintain their height, it's better to place them somewhere with lower light. If you do this, just remember that it won't require as much watering as when positioned in a sunny spot. So be careful not to overwater it!

Best Large Indoor Plants For Bright Light

There are hundreds of plants to choose from when the goal is to obtain a large indoor plant for a brightly lit space. However, some large indoor plants are more popular than others when grown indoors, and for good reason. Let's look at a few of the plants that I consider the best large indoor plants to help you make your decision.

Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)

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Even with the bad rap that it's been getting lately in terms of its high maintenance nature, the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree had to be on the list. It's such a beautiful plant with its violin-shaped leaves and straight upward-growing nature.

Given very bright light, this plant will most likely reach for the ceiling. But when this happens, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is quite easy to propagate by simply cutting off a part of the top and plopping it in water. Soon you'll have roots emerging and a brand new Fiddle Leaf Fig ready for potting.

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

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Next to the Monstera deliciosa, I would say that the Bird of Paradise is the second most popular large indoor plant. I find this interesting, as they are not the most low-maintenance plants and much prefer outdoor weather conditions.

I do, however, see the allure. With their enormous green leaves, they can instantly transform any interior into a tropical paradise (see what I did there?). The Strelitzia prefers bright, indirect sunlight with as high a humidity as possible to imitate a tropical climate.

Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

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A palm had to be on this list. There's something about palm trees that look so effortless, like they must have been in that corner of the room for centuries. Wherever you end up positioning one, they just seem to belong.

The Kentia Palm is a great palm to have as a large indoor plant, not only because it can adapt to a variety of indoor conditions but also because it is a very slow grower. This means it won't be likely to get out of hand and start infiltrating your neighbors above through the ceiling.

Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

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The Ficus elastica, or Rubber Plant, is a fantastic large indoor plant. Its glossy, dark green leaves can reach impressive heights, adding a sophisticated touch to any room. Plus, it's pretty low-maintenance – just give it some bright, indirect light and a drink now and then, and it's happy. Not to mention, it helps purify the air, making your home not only prettier but also healthier. It’s a stylish and practical large indoor plant choice.

Shop for rubber plants HERE

Styling Tips for Large Indoor Plants

The styling and positioning of large indoor plants are especially important, as the human eye will most likely be drawn to that spot immediately upon entering the space.

Creating Focal Points

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Because of their sheer size, large plants demand attention when walking into a space and thus automatically create focal points. Have an unsightly wall? Place a large plant on the opposite side of that wall to draw attention away from it. Better yet, hide the unsightly part of your wall with your large plant.

Pairing with Furniture

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Sometimes the addition of large furniture to a space can throw off the balance of a room. One thing I like to do to balance things out is to add a large plant a few meters away from the furniture piece to create an even flow of space.

Using Containers and Planters

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Because large plants attract so much attention, it's important to carefully consider the decorative planter or container you place them in. Take into account the design of the space and the colors used. If you want the plant to stand out more than the actual planter, choose a planter that is either a shade of green that appears in the plant or a planter that is the same color as the wall behind the plant.

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Large plants have the ability to transform any interior with minimal effort, adding drama and elegance to your space. Remember to assess your environment before making your purchase, considering factors like light, space, and temperature to ensure your new green giant will thrive. Also, don't forget to consider the design of the planter – the right pot can complement your plant beautifully and enhance your overall decor. By choosing wisely, you'll create a stunning and harmonious living environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best large houseplants for low light conditions?

Large houseplants that thrive in shade are the Monstera deliciosa, Umbrella tree, and the Dragon Tree. Although these plants don't mind low light conditions, it is important to note that they won't necessarily thrive and will grow very slowly, if ever.

What large indoor plants purify the air?

Some large houseplants that are known to purify the air include the following: Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica), Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata), Dracaena (Dracaena spp.), Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii).

What is an easy-care large houseplant for beginners?

Low-maintenance large indoor plants include: Monstera Deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant), Umbrella Plant (Schefflera actinophylla), Dragon Tree (Dracaena Marginata).

What is a good tall indoor plant for a living room?

A great tall indoor plant for a living room is the Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata), known for its large, glossy leaves and impressive height, making it a striking focal point that enhances air quality. Other excellent options include the Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana), Monstera Deliciosa, and Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae), all of which add height, structure, and a touch of tropical beauty to your living space.

Best large houseplants for offices?

The best large houseplants for offices include the low-maintenance Snake Plant and ZZ Plant, which thrive in low light and purify indoor air effectively. Peace Lilies add elegance with minimal care, while Rubber Plants and Dracaenas are visually appealing choices that improve air quality and require moderate light and watering.

Indoor trees for modern homes?

For modern homes, indoor trees like the Fiddle Leaf Fig and Weeping Fig offer sleek, contemporary aesthetics with their glossy leaves and graceful forms. Yucca plants and compact Japanese Maple trees add bold, sculptural elements and vibrant foliage, perfect for enhancing modern interiors with natural beauty and elegance.

What are some statement large houseplants?

Statement large houseplants like the Fiddle Leaf Fig, Bird of Paradise, and Monstera Deliciosa make bold impacts with their striking foliage and unique shapes, perfect for adding dramatic flair to any room. Rubber Plants and Yuccas also stand out with their robust growth and architectural forms, making them ideal choices to enhance both aesthetics and indoor air quality.

What plant is a non-toxic large houseplant for pets?

Non toxic large houseplants that are considered safe for pets, include the Areca Palm, Boston Fern, and Bamboo Palm. These plants not only add greenery to your home but also provide a pet-friendly environment with their non-toxic properties, making them perfect for households with dogs and cats.

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